Track Your Progress

Through Blueprint Credentialing

YFC staff are expected to track their own progress through the Leadership Blueprint. The system we have in place allows you to indicate what you have completed, manage what you still have left to complete and will also serve as a venue for all communication and paperwork within the Blueprint.

Watch this video and then login to with your Impact login credentials to get started.


When logging in for the first time, enroll yourself in one of the following three tracks (based on your role in YFC). 

Ministry Credential - for full time ministry staff
Executive Credential - for full time executive staff
Part Time/Volunteer Certification - for part time, volunteer or administrative staff


Once you have selected the track you are enrolled in, you will come to a page that lists all of the elements required to complete that specific track. An element can be anything from an event (like Institute) to online training courses. Click on the name of the element to ask a question, request completion, learn more information, etc. If the element requires a paper, you can upload it for approval there as well. You are responsible for keeping your progress through your credential/certification up to date.

Notice these color codings on the right side of of the page when you first click on your ministry track:

  • Complete: No action necessary, this element has been completed.
  • Response Given: If you asked a question about an element, you have received an answer. Click on the title of that element for your answer and to reply if needed.
  • Awaiting Response: You have asked a question about a specific element but have not received an answer yet.
  • Still Needed: This element has not been completed.


If you have already completed your credential/certification, your profile will indicate that one of the three tracks listed above is complete, or it may indicate that the Pre-Leadership Blueprint track is complete. The Pre-Leadership Blueprint track was created specifically for those who were credentialed before the Blueprint came out in 2009. It will not show the same elements as the other tracks because the requirements were different before 2009.

If you see something that doesn’t look right, please let us know. We have done our best to keep good records, but do not claim to have everything perfect. Email with any questions or comments regarding this system or Blueprint Credentialing in general. We are happy to help!